Enforces that a return statement is present in property getters (getter-return)

强制在 getter 属性中出现一个 return 语句 (getter-return)

The get syntax binds an object property to a function that will be called when that property is looked up. It was first introduced in ECMAScript 5:

get 语法将对象属性绑定到一个函数,该函数在查找该属性时将被调用。这是首次在 ECMAScript 5 中引入:

    var p = {
        get name(){
            return "nicholas";

    Object.defineProperty(p, "age", {
        get: function (){
            return 17;

Note that every getter is expected to return a value.

注意,每个 getter 都期望有返回值。

Rule Details

This rule enforces that a return statement is present in property getters.

该规则前置在属性 getter 中出现 return 语句。

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

错误 代码示例:

/*eslint getter-return: "error"*/

p = {
    get name(){
        // no returns.

Object.defineProperty(p, "age", {
    get: function (){
        // no returns.

class P{
    get name(){
        // no returns.

Examples of correct code for this rule:

正确 代码示例:

/*eslint getter-return: "error"*/

p = {
    get name(){
        return "nicholas";

Object.defineProperty(p, "age", {
    get: function (){
        return 18;

class P{
    get name(){
        return "nicholas";


This rule has an object option:


Examples of correct code for the { "allowImplicit": true } option:

选项 { "allowImplicit": true }正确 代码示例:

/*eslint getter-return: ["error", { allowImplicit: true }]*/
p = {
    get name(){
        return; // return undefined implicitly.

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using ES5 property getters you do not need this rule.

如果你的项目不使用 ES5 属性 getter,你不需要使用此规则。

Further Reading


This rule was introduced in ESLint 4.2.0.

该规则在 ESLint 4.2.0 中被引入。
