ESLint 0.16.0 released

We just pushed ESLint 0.16.0, which is a minor release upgrade. This release includes new features and bug fixes.


This is a summary of the major changes you need to know about for this version of ESLint.

Complete ECMAScript 6 support

0.16.0 adds more language options for parsing JavaScript, including:

Both of these options are off by default, and you can enable them in your configuration file. See Configuring ESLint for more information.

Classes and modules follow the newly-standardized estree AST node structure, and so these changes may not be completely compatible with older parsers that have not yet upgraded.

We’ve included a new es6 environment that enables all ECMAScript 6 features except modules. Since modules imply global strict mode, that puts the parser into a different mode. You’ll need to manually opt-in to using modules via ecmaFeatures.modules. So if you are using ECMAScript 6 modules in your project, you’ll want to enable the es6 environment in addition to ecmaFeatures.modules.

Note: The AST structure for default parameters and rest parameters is still undergoing change and discussion. We recommend not creating custom rules using default or rest parameters until after ESLint 1.0.0.

Single-line disable comment

Due to popular demand, we’ve added a new way to disable rules on a single line:

// disables just semi for this line
doSomething()  //eslint-disable-line semi

// disables all rules for this line
doSomething()  //eslint-disable-line

Keep in mind that the comment must be at the end of the line you want to disable.

1.0.0 Update

We’re getting even closer to 1.0.0. The biggest remaining task is to use the finalized AST node structure for rest and default parameters as well as switching to use the new handler property of TryStatement.

We are preparing a list of breaking changes that will be coming in v1.0.0 and are tracking them on #1898. Stay tuned to that issue so you know what to expect.

Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes



Dependency Upgrades
