ESLint 0.13.0 released

We just pushed ESLint 0.13.0, which is a minor release upgrade. This release includes new features and bug fixes.


This is a summary of the major changes you need to know about for this version of ESLint.

More ECMAScript 6 support

0.13.0 adds more support for several ECMAScript 6, including:

All of these options are off by default, and you can enable them in your configuration file. See Configuring ESLint for more information.

Breaking: Block scoping

Additionally, 0.13.0 has full support for block scoping (let and const), so all scope-related rules should work the way you expect. This is a breaking change because if you were previously using let and const, the scope was being calculated incorrectly, and that may result in different behavior than in 0.13.0.

Deprecating global-strict and no-extra-strict

The global-strict and no-extra-strict rules have been deprecated in favor of adding this functionality into the strict rule. We suggest you upgrade to using the updated strict rule as soon as possible. The global-strict and no-extra-strict rules will be removed when 1.0.0 is released.

Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes


Dependency Upgrades


Build Related