Requires or disallows a whitespace (space or tab) beginning a comment (spaced-comment)

要求或禁止在注释前有空白 (space 或 tab) (spaced-comment)

The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

命令行中的 --fix 选项可以自动修复一些该规则报告的问题。

Some style guides require or disallow a whitespace immediately after the initial // or /* of a comment.

一些风格指南要求或禁止注释 ///* 后的空白。

Whitespace after the // or /* makes it easier to read text in comments. On the other hand, commenting out code is easier without having to put a whitespace right after the // or /*.

///* 后的空白使注释中的文本更容易阅读。另一方面,///* 后面不加空白的话,给代码添加注释会变得更容易。

Rule Details

This rule will enforce consistency of spacing after the start of a comment // or /*. It also provides several exceptions for various documentation styles.

该规则强制注释中 ///* 后空格的一致性。它还为各种文档风格提供了一些例外情况。


The rule takes two options.


The difference between a marker and an exception is that a marker only appears at the beginning of the comment whereas exceptions can occur anywhere in the comment string.


You can also define separate exceptions and markers for block and line comments. The "block" object can have an additional key "balanced", a boolean that specifies if inline block comments should have balanced spacing. The default value is false.

你可以为块级注释和单行注释定义不同的例外和标记。"block" 对象可以有一个 boolean 类型的属性 "balanced",用来指定内联块注释是否应该有对称的空格。默认为 false

"spaced-comment": ["error", "always", {
    "line": {
        "markers": ["/"],
        "exceptions": ["-", "+"]
    "block": {
        "markers": ["!"],
        "exceptions": ["*"],
        "balanced": true


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option:

选项 "always"错误 代码示例:

/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always"]*/

//This is a comment with no whitespace at the beginning

/*This is a comment with no whitespace at the beginning */
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "block": { "balanced": true } }] */
/* This is a comment with whitespace at the beginning but not the end*/

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option:

选项 "always"正确 代码示例:

/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always"] */

// This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning

/* This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning */

 * This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning

This comment has a newline
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always"] */

* I am jsdoc


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "never" option:

选项 "never"错误 代码示例:

/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never"]*/

// This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning

/* This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning */

/* \nThis is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning */
/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never", { "block": { "balanced": true } }]*/
/*This is a comment with whitespace at the end */

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "never" option:

选项 "never"正确 代码示例:

/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never"]*/

/*This is a comment with no whitespace at the beginning */
/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never"]*/

* I am jsdoc


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option combined with "exceptions":

选项 "always" 结合 "exceptions"错误 代码示例:

/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "block": { "exceptions": ["-"] } }] */

// Comment block
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-", "+"] }] */

// Comment block
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-", "+"] }] */

/* Comment block */
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "line": { "exceptions": ["-+"] } }] */

// Comment block

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option combined with "exceptions":

选项 "always" 结合 "exceptions"正确 代码示例:

/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-"] }] */

// Comment block
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "line": { "exceptions": ["-"] } }] */

// Comment block
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["*"] }] */

 * Comment block
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-+"] }] */

// Comment block

// Comment block
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "block": { "exceptions": ["-+"] } }] */

// Comment block


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option combined with "markers":

选项 "always" 结合 "markers"错误 代码示例:

/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "markers": ["/"] }] */

///This is a comment with a marker but without whitespace
/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "block": { "markers": ["!"], "balanced": true } }]*/
/*! This is a comment with a marker but without whitespace at the end*/
/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never", { "block": { "markers": ["!"], "balanced": true } }]*/
/*!This is a comment with a marker but with whitespace at the end */

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option combined with "markers":

选项 "always" 结合 "markers"正确 代码示例:

/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "markers": ["/"] }] */

/// This is a comment with a marker
/*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never", { "markers": ["!<"] }]*/

//!<This is a line comment with a marker

/*!<this is a block comment with a marker
subsequent lines are ignored
/* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "markers": ["global"] }] */

/*global ABC*/


This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.23.0.

该规则在 ESLint 0.23.0 中被引入。
