Suggest using template literals instead of string concatenation. (prefer-template)

建议使用模板字面量而非字符串连接 (prefer-template)

The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

命令行中的 --fix 选项可以自动修复一些该规则报告的问题。

In ES2015 (ES6), we can use template literals instead of string concatenation.

在 ES2015 (ES6) 中,我们可以使用模板而非字符串连接。

var str = "Hello, " + name + "!";
/*eslint-env es6*/

var str = `Hello, ${name}!`;

Rule Details

This rule is aimed to flag usage of + operators with strings.

该规则旨在标记字符串间 + 操作符的使用。


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

错误 代码示例:

/*eslint prefer-template: "error"*/

var str = "Hello, " + name + "!";
var str = "Time: " + (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

Examples of correct code for this rule:

正确 代码示例:

/*eslint prefer-template: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var str = "Hello World!";
var str = `Hello, ${name}!`;
var str = `Time: ${12 * 60 * 60 * 1000}`;

// This is reported by `no-useless-concat`.
var str = "Hello, " + "World!";

When Not To Use It

This rule should not be used in ES3/5 environments.

此规则不应在 ES3/5 环境中使用。

In ES2015 (ES6) or later, if you don’t want to be notified about string concatenation, you can safely disable this rule.

在 ES2015 (ES6) 或以后的版本,如果你不希望收到关于字符串连接的通知,关闭此规则即可。


This rule was introduced in ESLint 1.2.0.

该规则在 ESLint 1.2.0 中被引入。
