Disallow use of this/super before calling super() in constructors. (no-this-before-super)

在构造函数中禁止在调用super()之前使用thissuper。 (no-this-before-super)

In the constructor of derived classes, if this/super are used before super() calls, it raises a reference error.

在派生类的构造函数中,如果在调用 super() 之前使用 thissuper,它将会引发一个引用错误。

This rule checks this/super keywords in constructors, then reports those that are before super().

该规则检测构造函数中的 thissuper 关键字,然后报告那些在 super() 之前使用 thissuper 的情况。

Rule Details

This rule is aimed to flag this/super keywords before super() callings.

该规则旨在标记出在调用 super() 之前使用 thissuper 的情况。


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-this-before-super: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

class A extends B {
    constructor() {
        this.a = 0;

class A extends B {
    constructor() {

class A extends B {
    constructor() {

class A extends B {
    constructor() {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

正确 代码示例:

/*eslint no-this-before-super: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

class A {
    constructor() {
        this.a = 0; // OK, this class doesn't have an `extends` clause.

class A extends B {
    constructor() {
        this.a = 0; // OK, this is after `super()`.

class A extends B {
    foo() {
        this.a = 0; // OK. this is not in a constructor.

When Not To Use It

If you don’t want to be notified about using this/super before super() in constructors, you can safely disable this rule.

如果你不想收到关于构造函数中调用 super() 之前使用 thissuper 情况的通知,关闭此规则即可。


This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.24.0.

该规则在 ESLint 0.24.0 中被引入。
