Disallow eval() (no-eval)

禁用 eval()(no-eval)

JavaScript’s eval() function is potentially dangerous and is often misused. Using eval() on untrusted code can open a program up to several different injection attacks. The use of eval() in most contexts can be substituted for a better, alternative approach to a problem.

JavaScript 中的 eval() 函数是有潜在危险的,而且经常被误用。在不可信的代码里使用 eval() 有可能使程序受到不同的注入攻击。eval() 在大多数情况下可以被更好的解决问题的方法代替。

var obj = { x: "foo" },
    key = "x",
    value = eval("obj." + key);

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at preventing potentially dangerous, unnecessary, and slow code by disallowing the use of the eval() function. As such, it will warn whenever the eval() function is used.

此规则目的在于通过禁止使用 eval() 函数来避免潜在地危险、不必要的和运行效率低下的代码。因此,当时使用 eval() 函数时,该规则将发出警告。

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/

var obj = { x: "foo" },
    key = "x",
    value = eval("obj." + key);

(0, eval)("var a = 0");

var foo = eval;
foo("var a = 0");

// This `this` is the global object.
this.eval("var a = 0");

Example of additional incorrect code for this rule when browser environment is set to true:

当环境指定为 browsertrue 时的 错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/
/*eslint-env browser*/

window.eval("var a = 0");

Example of additional incorrect code for this rule when node environment is set to true:

当环境指定为 nodetrue 时的 错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/
/*eslint-env node*/

global.eval("var a = 0");

Examples of correct code for this rule:

正确 代码示例:

/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var obj = { x: "foo" },
    key = "x",
    value = obj[key];

class A {
    foo() {
        // This is a user-defined method.
        this.eval("var a = 0");

    eval() {


This rule has an option to allow indirect calls to eval. Indirect calls to eval are less dangerous than direct calls to eval because they cannot dynamically change the scope. Because of this, they also will not negatively impact performance to the degree of direct eval.

该规则有一个选项,允许间接调用 eval。间接调用 eval 相对于直接调用 eval 危害性较低,因为不会动态改变作用域。正因为如此,相对于直接调用 eval ,它们也不会对性能造成负面影响。

    "no-eval": ["error", {"allowIndirect": true}] // default is false

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the {"allowIndirect": true} option:

选项 {"allowIndirect": true}错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/

var obj = { x: "foo" },
    key = "x",
    value = eval("obj." + key);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"allowIndirect": true} option:

选项 {"allowIndirect": true}正确 代码示例:

/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/

(0, eval)("var a = 0");

var foo = eval;
foo("var a = 0");

this.eval("var a = 0");
/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/
/*eslint-env browser*/

window.eval("var a = 0");
/*eslint no-eval: "error"*/
/*eslint-env node*/

global.eval("var a = 0");

Known Limitations

Further Reading


This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.0.2.

该规则在 ESLint 0.0.2 中被引入。
