Disallow duplicate imports (no-duplicate-imports)

禁止重复导入 (no-duplicate-imports)

Using a single import statement per module will make the code clearer because you can see everything being imported from that module on one line.

为每个模块使用单一的 import 语句会是代码更加清新,因为你会看到从该模块导入的所有内容都在同一行。

In the following example the module import on line 1 is repeated on line 3. These can be combined to make the list of imports more succinct.

在下面的例子中,行 1 和 行 3 的模块导入是重复的。二者合并会使导入列表更加简洁。

import { merge } from 'module';
import something from 'another-module';
import { find } from 'module';

Rule Details

This rules requires that all imports from a single module exists in a single import statement.

该规则要求单个模块的所有的导入都在同一个 import 语句中。

Example of incorrect code for this rule:

错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-duplicate-imports: "error"*/

import { merge } from 'module';
import something from 'another-module';
import { find } from 'module';

Example of correct code for this rule:

正确 代码示例:

/*eslint no-duplicate-imports: "error"*/

import { merge, find } from 'module';
import something from 'another-module';


This rule takes one optional argument, an object with a single key, includeExports which is a boolean. It defaults to false.

该规则有一个对象选项,只有一个布尔属性 includeExports。默认为 false

If re-exporting from an imported module, you should add the imports to the import-statement, and export that directly, not use export ... from.

如果一个导入的模块又被导出,你应该把这些导入加到 import 语句中,然后直接导出,不要使用 export ... from

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the { "includeExports": true } option:

选项 { "includeExports": true }错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-duplicate-imports: ["error", { "includeExports": true }]*/

import { merge } from 'module';

export { find } from 'module';

Example of correct code for this rule with the { "includeExports": true } option:

选项 { "includeExports": true }正确 代码示例:

/*eslint no-duplicate-imports: ["error", { "includeExports": true }]*/

import { merge, find } from 'module';

export { find };


This rule was introduced in ESLint 2.5.0.

该规则在 ESLint 2.5.0 中被引入。
