disallow specified identifiers (id-blacklist)

禁止使用指定的标识符 (id-blacklist)

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” — Phil Karlton

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” — Phil Karlton

Bad names can lead to hard-to-decipher code. Generic names, such as data, don’t infer much about the code and the values it receives. This rule allows you to configure a blacklist of bad identifier names, that you don’t want to see in your code.

糟糕的名字会导致代码很难理解。通用的名字,比如 data,并不能推断出关于代码和接收到的值的更多信息。该规则允许你配置一个标识符名称的黑名单,也就是包含那些你不想在代码中看到的名字。

Rule Details

This rule disallows specified identifiers in assignments and function definitions.

该规则禁止在赋值语句和 function 定义中使用指定的标识符。

This rule will catch blacklisted identifiers that are:


It will not catch blacklisted identifiers that are:



The rule takes one or more strings as options: the names of restricted identifiers.


For example, to restrict the use of common generic identifiers:


    "id-blacklist": ["error", "data", "err", "e", "cb", "callback"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample "data", "callback" restricted identifiers:

受限制的 "data", "callback" 标识符的 错误 代码示例:

/*eslint id-blacklist: ["error", "data", "callback"] */

var data = {...};

function callback() {
    // ...

element.callback = function() {
    // ...

var itemSet = {
    data: [...]

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample "data", "callback" restricted identifiers:

受限制的 "data", "callback" 标识符的 正确 代码示例:

/*eslint id-blacklist: ["error", "data", "callback"] */

var encodingOptions = {...};

function processFileResult() {
    // ...

element.successHandler = function() {
    // ...

var itemSet = {
    entities: [...]

callback(); // all function calls are ignored

foo.callback(); // all function calls are ignored

foo.data; // all property names that are not assignments are ignored

When Not To Use It

You can turn this rule off if you are happy for identifiers to be named freely.



This rule was introduced in ESLint 2.0.0-beta.2.

该规则在 ESLint 2.0.0-beta.2 中被引入。
