Change Requests

If you’d like to request a change to ESLint, please create a new issue on GitHub. Be sure to include the following information:

如果你想向 ESLint 提出一个变更请求,请在 GitHub 新建一个议题(issue)。一定要包含以下信息:

  1. The version of ESLint you are using.
  2. 你正在使用的 ESLint 的版本。
  3. The problem you want to solve.
  4. 你想要解决的问题。
  5. Your take on the correct solution to problem.
  6. 你认为解决问题的正确方法。

If you’re requesting a change to a rule, it’s helpful to include this information as well:


  1. What you did.
  2. 你做了什么。
  3. What you would like to happen.
  4. 你认为会发生什么。
  5. What actually happened.
  6. 实际上发生了什么。

Please include as much detail as possible to help us properly address your issue. If we need to triage issues and constantly ask people for more detail, that’s time taken away from actually fixing issues. Help us be as efficient as possible by including a lot of detail in your issues.


Note: If you just have a question that won’t necessarily result in a change to ESLint, such as asking how something works or how to contribute, please use the mailing list or chat instead of filing an issue.

注意:如果你只是有一个问题,且该问题并不一定会导致 ESLint 发生改变,比如询问一些工作原理或者如何做出贡献,那么请使用 邮件列表(mailing list)聊天室(chat) 而不是提交一个议题(issue)。