Disallow Extra Semicolons (no-extra-semi)

JavaScript will more or less let you put semicolons after any statement without complaining. Typos and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to extra semicolons that are unnecessary.

Fixable: This rule is automatically fixable using the --fix flag on the command line.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at eliminating extra unnecessary semicolons. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can be a source of confusion when reading code.

The following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint no-extra-semi: 2*/

var x = 5;;      /*error Unnecessary semicolon.*/

function foo() {
    // code
};               /*error Unnecessary semicolon.*/

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint no-extra-semi: 2*/

var x = 5;

var foo = function() {
    // code

When Not To Use It

If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.


This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.0.9.
