Disallow Bitwise Operators (no-bitwise)

The use of bitwise operators in JavaScript is very rare and often & or | is simply a mistyped && or ||, which will lead to unexpected behavior.

var x = y | z;

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at catching typos that end up as bitwise operators, but are meant to be the much more common &&, ‘   ’, <, > operators. As such, it will warn whenever it encounters a bitwise operator:

The following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint no-bitwise: 2*/

var x = y | z;   /*error Unexpected use of '|'.*/

var x = y & z;   /*error Unexpected use of '&'.*/

var x = y ^ z;   /*error Unexpected use of '^'.*/

var x = ~ z;     /*error Unexpected use of '~'.*/

var x = y << z;  /*error Unexpected use of '<<'.*/

var x = y >> z;  /*error Unexpected use of '>>'.*/

var x = y >>> z; /*error Unexpected use of '>>>'.*/

x |= y;          /*error Unexpected use of '|='.*/

x &= y;          /*error Unexpected use of '&='.*/

x ^= y;          /*error Unexpected use of '^='.*/

x <<= y;         /*error Unexpected use of '<<='.*/

x >>= y;         /*error Unexpected use of '>>='.*/

x >>>= y;        /*error Unexpected use of '>>>='.*/

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint no-bitwise: 2*/

var x = y || z;

var x = y && z;

var x = y > z;

var x = y < z;

x += y;


This rule supports the following options:

allow: The list of bitwise operators to be used as exceptions to the rule. For example:

/*eslint no-bitwise: [2, { allow: ["~"] }] */

~[1,2,3].indexOf(1) === -1;

int32Hint: Allows the use of bitwise OR in |0 pattern for type casting:

/*eslint no-bitwise: [2, { int32Hint: true }] */

var b = a|0;


This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.0.2.
