Enforce empty lines around comments (lines-around-comment)

Many style guides require empty lines before or after comments. The primary goal of these rules is to make the comments easier to read and improve readability of the code.

Rule Details

This rule allows you to specify whether an empty line should be found before or after a comment. It can be enabled separately for both block (/*) and line (//) comments, and does not apply to comments that appear on the same line as code.

By default an empty line is required above a block comment, such as in the following example:

var x = 0;

 * The vertical position.
var y = 10;

The following would not pass the rule:

var x = 0;
/* the vertical position */
var y = 10;


This rule has 10 options:

  1. beforeBlockComment (enabled by default)
  2. afterBlockComment
  3. beforeLineComment
  4. afterLineComment
  5. allowBlockStart
  6. allowBlockEnd
  7. allowObjectStart
  8. allowObjectEnd
  9. allowArrayStart
  10. allowArrayEnd

Any combination of these rules may be applied at the same time.

    "lines-around-comment": [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true, "beforeLineComment": true }]

When set to false the option is simply ignored.

Block Comments

Block comments are any comment that start with /* and need not extend to multiple lines.

With both beforeBlockComment and afterBlockComment set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true, "afterBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

/* what a great and wonderful day */

var day = "great"

This however would provide 2 warnings:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true, "afterBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";
/* what a great and wonderful day */  /*error Expected line before comment.*/ /*error Expected line after comment.*/
var day = "great"

With only beforeBlockComment set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

/* what a great and wonderful day */
var day = "great"

But this would cause 1 warning:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";
/* what a great and wonderful day */     /*error Expected line before comment.*/
var day = "great"

Line Comments

Line comments are any comments that start with //.

With both beforeLineComment and afterLineComment set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeLineComment": true, "afterLineComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

// what a great and wonderful day

var day = "great"

With only beforeLineComment set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeLineComment": true }]*/

var night = "long";

// what a great and wonderful day
var day = "great"


allowBlockStart option

When this option is set to true, it allows the comment to be present at the start of any block statement without any space above it. This option can be useful when combined with options beforeLineComment and beforeBlockComment only.

With both beforeLineComment and allowBlockStart set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }]*/

function foo(){
    // what a great and wonderful day
    var day = "great"
    return day;

With both beforeBlockComment and allowBlockStart set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }]*/

function foo(){
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    var day = "great"
    return day;

allowBlockEnd option

When this option is set to true, it allows the comment to be present at the end of any block statement without any space below it. This option can be useful when combined with options afterLineComment and afterBlockComment only.

With both afterLineComment and allowBlockEnd set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "afterLineComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }]*/

function foo(){
    var day = "great"
    return day;
    // what a great and wonderful day

With both afterBlockComment and allowBlockEnd set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }]*/

function foo(){
    var day = "great"
    return day;

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

allowObjectStart option

When this option is set to true, it allows the comment to be present at the start of any object-like statement without any space above it. This option can be useful when combined with options beforeLineComment and beforeBlockComment only.

With both beforeLineComment and allowObjectStart set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }]*/

var foo = {
    // what a great and wonderful day
    day: "great"

const {
    // what a great and wonderful day
    foo: someDay
} = {foo: "great"};

const {
    // what a great and wonderful day
} = {day: "great"};

With both beforeBlockComment and allowObjectStart set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }]*/

var foo = {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    day: "great"

const {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
    foo: someDay
} = {foo: "great"};

const {
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
} = {day: "great"};

allowObjectEnd option

When this option is set to true, it allows the comment to be present at the end of any object-like statement without any space below it. This option can be useful when combined with options afterLineComment and afterBlockComment only.

With both afterLineComment and allowObjectEnd set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "afterLineComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }]*/

var foo = {
    day: "great"
    // what a great and wonderful day

const {
    foo: someDay
    // what a great and wonderful day
} = {foo: "great"};

const {
    // what a great and wonderful day
} = {day: "great"};

With both afterBlockComment and allowObjectEnd set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }]*/

var foo = {
    day: "great"

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

const {
    foo: someDay

    /* what a great and wonderful day */
} = {foo: "great"};

const {

    /* what a great and wonderful day */
} = {day: "great"};

allowArrayStart option

When this option is set to true, it allows the comment to be present at the start of any array-like statement without any space above it. This option can be useful when combined with options beforeLineComment and beforeBlockComment only.

With both beforeLineComment and allowArrayStart set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }]*/

var day = [
    // what a great and wonderful day

const [
    // what a great and wonderful day
] = ["great", "not great"];

With both beforeBlockComment and allowArrayStart set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }]*/

var day = [
    /* what a great and wonderful day */

const [
    /* what a great and wonderful day */
] = ["great", "not great"];

allowArrayEnd option

When this option is set to true, it allows the comment to be present at the end of any array-like statement without any space below it. This option can be useful when combined with options afterLineComment and afterBlockComment only.

With both afterLineComment and allowArrayEnd set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "afterLineComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }]*/

var day = [
    // what a great and wonderful day

const [
    // what a great and wonderful day
] = ["great", "not great"];

With both afterBlockComment and allowArrayEnd set to true the following code would not warn:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: [2, { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }]*/

var day = [

    /* what a great and wonderful day */

const [

    /* what a great and wonderful day */
] = ["great", "not great"];

Inline comments

Inline comments are always excluded from the rule.

The following would be acceptable:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: 2*/

var x = 0;
var y = 10; /* the vertical position */

Empty lines are also not required at the beginning or end of a file.

When Not To Use It

Many people enjoy a terser code style and don’t mind comments bumping up against code. If you fall into that category this rule is not for you.


This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.22.0.
